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  • Call us: 04259-237744 / 99429 08432
  • NPTC - MCET Campus, Makkinampatti Post, Pollachi - 642003
  • Call us: 04222-591824 / 99944 45598
  • KGT Campus, 479, Varadhrajapuram, Coimbatore - 641015

Welcome to Mirakle Integrated Health Centre

Mirakle Integrated Health Centre

Mirakle Integrated Health Centre opened its facilities in 2018 and was inaugurated by the Honorable Vice-President of India, Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu.

We have developed an intensive and individualized treatment program for all types and stages of cancer. The treatment approach at Mirakle Integrated Health Centre is unique, recognizing cancer as a metabolic disease and not a genetic one.

In addition to cancer treatment, we bring other Metabolic and Biological therapies to treat autoimmune conditions, heart disease, skin diseases, gastrointestinal disturbances and hormonal imbalances.

Our Vision

Our vision is to create a system that is wholesome and natural which will protect the body and mind from the ravages of the environment. The current medical set-up focuses on each disease and seeks to find the magic bullet to treat that particular disease. Our focus is not to search for the magic bullet but to make the body strong and build up the immunity with the right therapies so that it can maintain itself in equilibrium and overcome all diseases as and when they appear.

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