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  • Call us: 04222-591824 / 99944 45598
  • KGT Campus, 479, Varadhrajapuram, Coimbatore - 641015

Mitochondrial Booster

A cocktail containing L-Carnitine and N-Acetyl Cysteine in the right dosage. They improve energy production in the mitochondria (the powerhouse of our cells). L-Carnitine also improves muscle mass and is essential for cardiac health. N-Acetyl Cysteine is the precursor to glutathione and also helps in the detoxification processes in the liver.

Useful in

  1. Improving energy levels
  2. Heart Diseases
  3. Chronic Kidney Disease
  4. Liver Disorders
  5. Chronic Fatigue
  6. Improves memory
  7. De-addiction