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Glutathione is the mother of all anti-oxidants. It performs several important functions in the human body such as scavenging of free radicals, preventing oxidative damage to cells, detoxification of toxins and harmful drug metabolites in the liver. Reduction in Glutathione levels leads to cell death and it has been documented in many degenerative conditions. Glutathione reduction is caused by many conditions including chronic infections, autoimmune diseases, chronic fatigue, heavy metal toxicity, etc.

IV Glutathione is helpful in patients with

  1. Parkinson’s Diseases
  2. Liver Diseases
  3. Alzheimer’s
  4. Multiple Sclerosis
  5. Chronic Back Ache
  6. Compromised Immunity
  7. It can also be used to improve skin tone, for general rejuvenation and healthy aging.